Hi There!
My name is Adeola. I’m here because I am passionate about helping you to achieve your natural hair goals, whether it be to have longer hair, softer hair or a healthy head of hair in general.
I know what it’s like to be clueless about natural hair, and this is why I’m here to help you create a practical hair care routine that will give you softer hair that is less painful to comb, easier to manage and that can grow long.
You see throughout the seven years that I had relaxer in my hair, the longest that my hair ever grew to was about 4 inches!
I thought it was completely outrageous because I did everything that I was advised to do to grow my hair long. I just kept on braiding my hair, all with the hopes of achieving long hair some day. In fact, my yearly hairstyle routine looked something like this: braids (3 months), cornrows (1 month), weaves (1 month), relax my hair and leave it out loose (1 month) and then back to braids, cornrows etc.
Despite all my efforts, my hair just wouldn’t grow past my cheeks! And so I subscribed to the popular belief that Black hair cannot grow long.
After following popular belief for so many years, I decided that it was time for me to form my own beliefs and go my own route. I knew that for me to be able to understand how Black hair works, I would need to start from scratch.
And so in September 2009, I went to the hair salon to shave it all off! And thus began my natural hair journey. Within just 3 months of consistently applying all the information that I was learning about my hair, I noticed a considerable difference in the look and feel of my hair. By January 2011, my hair had already grown past the length that my relaxed hair was stuck at for 7 years!
In less than 2 years, I went from being completely clueless about my hair to being an expert. This was when I realized that I would never go back to a relaxer!
Dry hair became a history and no longer was I in pain when I combed my hair. I went from dreading doing my hair to looking forward to every Saturday when I get to try another hairstyle. In fact, I was having so much fun with my hair that I suddenly realized that I had been wearing my NATURAL HAIR out for over 3 months, that’s 12 weeks of proudly wearing my kinky coily afro hair out! What an accomplishment!
You see, despite the fact that my hair never came in contact with extensions in those 3 months, it still grew longer than my braided relaxed hair ever did in one year!
So, just two years after setting out on my natural hair journey, I came to realize the following:
- Natural hair can grow, if YOU (the owner) of the hair consistently take care of it
- Natural hair doesn’t need to be braided all the time for it to grow
- Natural hair can feel soft if you learn how to care for it
- Natural hair can be very fun and pain-free to handle
- Natural hair is actually easier to take care of than relaxed hair!
If you’d like to get in touch with me for one reason or the other, please send me a DM on my Instagram or Facebook page. If you have a question about your hair, please use the search button on the website to see if I’ve already answered your question. You can also use Google search to see if another natural hair content creator has already answered your question.
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